I am also taking on a new position with Examiner.com; I am no longer the local homeschool examiner but am now the Books examiner. I will be writing on womens fiction books. I'm kind of excited about that because I am always reading and now I can write about them.
I also just got approved to write for Suite 101. I haven't submitted anything to them as of yet, but that will start this week, too. I am also in the process of submitting blogs posts to the Mouse for Less Guest Blog. They are a great community of Disney fanatics (like myself) and they are offering some awesome incentives to writers who contribute over the next three months. You can read one of my first posts to them by clicking HERE.
This week starts up the entry period for Amazon's Breakthrough Novel Award. I will be submitting to that. Maybe. Hopefully.
We'll see.
I was sitting here watching the "Sex and the City" movie and I sort of sat here thinking that I wouldn't mind being Carrie Bradshaw. Not the slutty part of Carrie Bradshaw but the writing part of her. I'm not looking to be the next Nora Roberts or anything (although that would be nice) but I wouldn't mind having a column that was my own that I was making money from and maybe having a book made from it. That would be a nice gig.
Sigh...so in the meantime I've got a big binder full of my articles, a blog with almost 1000 posts, several completed manuscripts, multiple (many, many multiple) partial manuscripts and onward I trudge.
Or type...
Wow. That's quite an achievement. I wouldn't even imagine I could make my 1000 posts.
Have a nice day and keep writing.
I have a number of clients that are interested in working with your site. If you could please get in touch with me at: reanact(at)gmail(dot)com - I would love to discuss possible advertising and sponsored post options with you.
Kind regards,
Wow you have been busy.
I watched the sex in the city movie the other night too. I want her assistant and the closet Big had made for her. I guess if I had the closet I'd need to go shopping too.
Keep working hard and all you want will come true.
Type on sister; write on! Seriously, don't stop writing. Once I complete some necessary transitions I'm going to do my damnedest to make the creative writing part a regular addition to my daily schedule.
I think you have achieved a lot! I am in the early stages of trying to bring in some income with freelance writing, and I know it's a big challenge. So far aside from my blog there's only one site I'm working with. But it's a step! Keep up the great work.
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