My insane life and times filled with teen drama, marital comedy and realizing that 600 miles away from my insane family still isn't far enough!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The New TV Season Is Here!!!!
Okay, so this was the week I have been waiting all summer for. New TV!!! I get giddy just thinking about it! I didn't realize how bored I'd been until we sat down to watch all-new episodes of our favorite shows Monday night.
First off...How I Met Your Mother. This is one of my favorites. They just stared season 5 and I still find myself laughing out loud. I'm glad that the two female cast members had their babies in real life because the camouflaging of these two was near ridiculous last season. For those of you who watched Monday night, my favorite part was when Marshall gave Ted his back to school gift - the hat and the whip - aka Indiana Jones!
Next up...The Big Bang Theory. We had just finished watching the DVD's of season two so we were well prepared for the premier of season 3. It was awesome!! Nerd humor never gets old. I love on TV shows when there is a scenario or a phrase that comes up once in a while - but is not overdone. So on Monday's premier, when Penny started to sing "Soft Kitty", I have to admit, I think I spit a little bit of my drink out while laughing! Also, the return of Sheldon's mom! Laurie Metcalf is PERFECT for that part! Great casting!
Next...Dancing With the Stars. Okay, I think a three night premier is a tad-bit excessive. Then there's the fact that the first night it was on at the same time as my above two shows, so basically I watched it during commercials and partially during the one-hour break between those two shows. I don't like the beginning few weeks of DWTS because sometimes it is just painful. I mean, some stars JUST. CAN'T. DANCE. and it's painful to watch. Okay, and here's my other issue with this season...and please excuse my language on this but I can think of no other way to convey my deep annoyance...Media Whores. There, I've said it. I have had just about enough of Jermaine Jackson and LaToya Jackson that I am willing to deal with. Last I checked, neither of them were competing or ever HAVE competed. They hold no real talent of their own and lately, their claim to fame is that their brother (who I believe was forced to support these people) died. So does that mean that we have to see them everywhere because their brother died? How does that make you famous and make us want to have to see you everywhere??? I don't get it! Quit giving these freeloaders camera time and focus on why we are tuned in - the DANCERS!
The Biggest Loser. Okay, technically this started last week but it was still only the SECOND new episode last night and I loved it!! I even managed to NOT eat during this episode and used my hand weights. Yea, me! Michael got in on the action and pulled out the mat and did all kinds of sit ups and push ups (Including one-armed) while we watched. The language was a bit cleaner this week so I was pleased. Plus, I was so impressed that there was no real cattiness with this cast, so far. They all worked together on every challenge and were rewarded with calls to their families and no one got eliminated this week. It was all a very uplifting episode.
The last show that I am super excited about is The Amazing Race. I LOVE THIS SHOW!!! I know I've said in the past how I feel but I don't think I could actually ever BE on this show. I mean, I would definitely love to dance on DWTS and I'd love to lose some weight on the biggest loser but there is no way that I am eating some of the things that they make you eat on THIS show. No way. Can't do it. The premier for this is Sunday night and I am just beside myself with glee (which I have not watched). I am curious to see who the teams are this time around and I love trying to figure out who is going to make it through to the end - I'm hardly ever right but it amuses me to try.
So there's my week. What shows are you looking forward to having start up again? Let's hope for an entertaining television season!!!
I watch the first 90 minutes of House, then switched to Big Bang. Last night was Criminal Minds, and tonight Survivor! I really wish ER was still on...that was my favorite show, ever.
I'm there with you on DWTS. Macy Gray should be thoroughly embarrassed for even attempting to be on the show! I'm glad she was eliminated last night. I really had no feelings one way or the other about Ashley Hamilton. I was VERY impressed by Kelly Osbourne. She displaced grace and beauty in her dances and made her parents very proud.
As for other shows, I'm a CSI trio fan; love NCIS and will check out NCIS-LA.
I'm ready for Amazing Race. I hope it keeps my attention better than last season.
Friday nights should be good...Ghost Whisperer and Medium.
Well, someone just gave me a small TV to use after my television died. It's been about four months - give or take - that I've been without. I'm not as excited about the new season as I usually am, but I like to watch Criminal Minds, CSI (Miami and NY), The Closer, Hereos... and a few others.
I can't believe I missed Big Bang Theory (I'll have to check for it online), but I was watching one of my ultimate favorites, Heroes, which was AWESOME!!!! Last night was Criminal Minds, love the show, but that episode was not as spectacular as I expected. I'm not into DWTS this season, but I love me some So You Think You Can Dance, but more so when they get the Las Vegas part of it and not so much the auditions. I also watched the premiere of NCIS on DVR last night and I have to say that it was the BEST NCIS ever. I was actually cheering and jumping out of my chair by the end of the show.
Hi Stace... I'm glad your favorite shows are back on :) Mine are reappearing slowly and I've found a few new ones. I can't wait for Lost to come back on!.... Ghost Hunters has been back for a few weeks... Medium and Ghost Whisperer are starting back.... and Heroes came back the other night. I've started watching 2 new series... we'll see how much I like them after a few episodes... The Vampire Diaries is so far too much like Twilight... I was hoping for more of an Interview With the Vampire (my absolute favorite movie!) show but I guess that will never happen (poor me).... and Eastwick seems to be mostly like The Witches of Eastwick with just a touch of Practical Magic thrown in (one of my favorite movies). I'm sure I forgot some of my faves... but my DVR will not let me miss them! How did I ever watch anything without a DVR??? I do love it!!! It has spoiled me rotten :)
Ohhhh, Grey's is on in a few minutes, and all of my CSI (well, two of them, I don't care for Miami), and the ones you have already mentioned. Although, this is my first premier season blogging. My tv watching has kind of turned into tv listening while I blog. But I think, for tonight, Greys will have all of my love.
And P.S. Because of one of your recent posts, I SO thought of you when she sang soft kitty.
I was looking forward to Grey's Anatomy, but I was a little disappointed tonight. Maybe it was because I missed the first 10 minutes? I don't know. It just seemed flat.
The Office and Parks and Recreation are the only ones who aren't new that I've been waiting for. New shows are Modern Family (hilarious!), Flash Forward (haven't watched it yet, it's on the DVR), and The Middle (starts next week). I did watch Dancing With the Stars for the first time ever, because I'm a huge Kelly Osbourne fan, and it's a neat show! I'll probably watch until she is gone, or Tom Delay, whichever is longer.
Your gentle face and patient smile with sadness we recall, you had a kindly word for each and died beloved by all. The voice is mute and stilled the heart that loved us well and true, ah, bitter was the trail to depart from one so good as you.
You are not forgotten loved one nor will you ever be as long as life and memory last we will remember thee. We miss you now. Our hearts are sore. As time goes by we miss you more, your loving smile, your gentle face. no one can fill your vacant place.
Grandma & Nick
"A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove.... but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child."
I am a 40 year old mother of two who is still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up! I am a wanna-be author, a homeschool mom, wife, and all around mom-on-the-go who does her best to avoid her crazy, extended family!
House, NCIS,The Mentalist, It was a good TV week
My wife and I are watching survivor. Her idea. I watch NCIS. We kind of give and take. I watch one of yours you watch one of mine.
Thanks for the reminder about Amazing Race! I would've kicked myself if I forgot to set my TIVO!
I watch the first 90 minutes of House, then switched to Big Bang. Last night was Criminal Minds, and tonight Survivor! I really wish ER was still on...that was my favorite show, ever.
I'm there with you on DWTS. Macy Gray should be thoroughly embarrassed for even attempting to be on the show! I'm glad she was eliminated last night. I really had no feelings one way or the other about Ashley Hamilton. I was VERY impressed by Kelly Osbourne. She displaced grace and beauty in her dances and made her parents very proud.
As for other shows, I'm a CSI trio fan; love NCIS and will check out NCIS-LA.
I'm ready for Amazing Race. I hope it keeps my attention better than last season.
Friday nights should be good...Ghost Whisperer and Medium.
Let's hope we don't all get disappointed.
Well, someone just gave me a small TV to use after my television died. It's been about four months - give or take - that I've been without. I'm not as excited about the new season as I usually am, but I like to watch Criminal Minds, CSI (Miami and NY), The Closer, Hereos... and a few others.
We don't have TV here other than the DVD/VCR player.
Cool line up you've got there!
I can't believe I missed Big Bang Theory (I'll have to check for it online), but I was watching one of my ultimate favorites, Heroes, which was AWESOME!!!! Last night was Criminal Minds, love the show, but that episode was not as spectacular as I expected. I'm not into DWTS this season, but I love me some So You Think You Can Dance, but more so when they get the Las Vegas part of it and not so much the auditions. I also watched the premiere of NCIS on DVR last night and I have to say that it was the BEST NCIS ever. I was actually cheering and jumping out of my chair by the end of the show.
Sounds like you've got the whole week planned. So far I've only found one show that catches my interest. The new one called Vampire Diaries.
Hi Stace... I'm glad your favorite shows are back on :) Mine are reappearing slowly and I've found a few new ones. I can't wait for Lost to come back on!.... Ghost Hunters has been back for a few weeks... Medium and Ghost Whisperer are starting back.... and Heroes came back the other night. I've started watching 2 new series... we'll see how much I like them after a few episodes... The Vampire Diaries is so far too much like Twilight... I was hoping for more of an Interview With the Vampire (my absolute favorite movie!) show but I guess that will never happen (poor me).... and Eastwick seems to be mostly like The Witches of Eastwick with just a touch of Practical Magic thrown in (one of my favorite movies). I'm sure I forgot some of my faves... but my DVR will not let me miss them! How did I ever watch anything without a DVR??? I do love it!!! It has spoiled me rotten :)
A Lil Enchanted,
Ohhhh, Grey's is on in a few minutes, and all of my CSI (well, two of them, I don't care for Miami), and the ones you have already mentioned. Although, this is my first premier season blogging. My tv watching has kind of turned into tv listening while I blog. But I think, for tonight, Greys will have all of my love.
And P.S. Because of one of your recent posts, I SO thought of you when she sang soft kitty.
I was looking forward to Grey's Anatomy, but I was a little disappointed tonight. Maybe it was because I missed the first 10 minutes? I don't know. It just seemed flat.
I love Big Bang Theory.
The Office and Parks and Recreation are the only ones who aren't new that I've been waiting for. New shows are Modern Family (hilarious!), Flash Forward (haven't watched it yet, it's on the DVR), and The Middle (starts next week). I did watch Dancing With the Stars for the first time ever, because I'm a huge Kelly Osbourne fan, and it's a neat show! I'll probably watch until she is gone, or Tom Delay, whichever is longer.
Okay, is it just me, or does this freaking show make you crave Chinese food EVERY FREAKING WEEK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? BIG Bang theory DUH!
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