Friday, December 3, 2010

Getting ready for Christmas...

It has begun...

You know the ritual, boxes of decorations come out, furniture gets moved, there is giddiness in the air...

Yes, that has begun in my house.  Tonight we brought in the big Christmas box and the transformation is beginning.  The wreath is on the door, the village is set up and miscellaneous decorations are scattered about.  Tomorrow we go to get the tree and Sunday we will decorate it.

I both love and hate this time of year.  We have a very small house so when you have to add a 7 foot tree and dozens of presents...well, it just crowds us in a little bit more.  It will all look beautiful and we will love every second of the time that it is set up but I find that I am already looking ahead to taking it all down.

How sick is that?

Then there's the Christmas cards.  To do photo cards or not?  I mean Nick is going to be 19, it really isn't cute anymore to do the loving-brother-pose in front of the tree, is it?  We got some great pictures in Disney of me and the boys but Frank wasn't there so now we don't even have a good family picture.  I'm thinking that just plain cards will be a good thing but then I have moments of guilt.  

Crazy, right?

I am almost done with my Christmas shopping for the boys.  I am doing gift cards for everyone else.  I just don't feel like shopping for actual gifts and then wrapping them AND shipping them.  Too much work and money. I think I'm getting a little Grinchy.  

That's not a good thing...

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