So we survived our Thanksgiving in the mountains. It got off to a rough start - mixed/crossed communications on arrival time - we arrived and no one was there. It was pitch black for the last 90 minutes of the drive which was a bit scary because that was where we were actually going UP the mountain; very narrow and winding roads. Scary!
Everyone arrived around ten p.m. and luckily we had a key to get in s
Thanksgiving night the winds whipped up something fierce and in all of my life I had never hea
All in all it was a nice change of pace but I really am just too
I hope that all of you had a fabulous Thanksgiving!!
*Today's article is on homeschooling the only child. You can read it HERE. Thanks!*
i love the mountains, but also get freaked out with the drive. i do not like windy steep roads. the pics are beautiful. my thanksgiving was short and not so sweet. holidays are not a good time for my family but we survived it. have a great day...hugz!
I live about 45 minutes from Chimney rock! We might need to get together there sometime.
I'm glad you enjoyed your trip.
Sounds like you had a good time.Glad to see you got some goodies on the way home.
I'm glad you had a beautiful view to enjoy Stace... great pics!
A Lil Enchanted,
I LOVE the mountains. Something peaceful and wonderful, but I agree with you that sometimes a little scary. Hubby refuses to camp in anything other than a cabin. I used to sleep under nothing but the stars. I agree now, though. What is it about being young and fearless?
I am glad you found a little peace in your busy and stressed November!
Oh how I miss spending a night in the mountains. The stars are so visible as compared to the night sky view in the city.
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