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Christmas 2009 Roundup
Okay, so Christmas 2009 was really low-key but wonderful. We were just so thankful to even be able to HAVE Christmas this year after all of the work and employment issues - we were blessed. We have a tradition every year when we go to get our tree. We either go to a Lowes or Home Depot because they have the lowest prices and then it's every man for himself as we each vie to be the one to pick the family tree. Nick takes this VERY seriously and hates when he doesn't win. It's kind of comical to watch us all run around hauling out trees. Poor Frank has the job of displaying it properly for all of us to ooh and aah over as we decide if it's a good fit for us. But this year was Frank's year - he found the winning tree. It was a bit smaller than we thought it would be when we got it home but it still smells wonderful and we loved it!
Then we set up our little Christmas village that used to
belong to my step-mother, Collette. She gave it to us many, many years ago when she re-did hers. The pieces are a bit mis-matched but it looks so pretty when it's all lit up. I have to admit, I had a hard time setting it up this year. It made me sad. After a few days of it looking pitiful, Frank took pity on me and set it up with Michael. Isn't it pretty? Thank you, Collette!We did the
holiday picture card thing which is always good for a laugh because it is so hard to get one that is just right. Nick is very photogenic and is comfortable in front of the camera. Michael looks at picture taking as a form of torture and is visibly uncomfortable. This was this year's. Cute, right? I took this picture at 11:30 at night because it was the only time that I could get both boys together and clean! Why do boys make things so difficult?
Christmas Eve was festive. I made the traditional seafood sauce and we ate an early dinner and it was wonderful! Very yummy, if I do say so myself. We were doing out dessert open house and the first guests arrived at 7:00. We visited and chatted, the kids played and the next family didn't show up until 8:00 and by that time the 7:00 family had to leave! It was a revolving door there for a little while! All in all we had about 25 people come through over the course of the night and I cannot explain how much I enjoyed it. It is so amazing to have the kinds of friends like I do who are truly family to me. I love you guys!
he last of the guests left somewhere near 11:00 and then we let the boys open two gifts - one of which was new pajamas because that is tradition. Nick hates it but TOO BAD!! I like everyone to be in new pj's for the pictures. Christmas morning's tradition is that they are not allowed to wake us up until 8:00 and then Frank and I go out to the living room first and then call them out so that we are sitting there and can see their faces when they see their gifts. I love that! Nick got Rock Band 2 for the Xbox and Michael got a Star Wars ship. After that it was a free-for-all. All of the relatives send gifts and so Christmas morning finds a LOT of gifts under the tree.
The remainder of the day was spent in our jammies. I have to admit, I kind of liked being a slug this year. Frank got me a pair of slipper-booties that look a little like Eskimo boots and I wore them all day. I read, we ate, I did make our traditional breakfast of pepperoni omelets and then made a big dinner, but in between? Slug-fest (and of the lazy kind, not fighting kind).
It truly was a great holiday and I hope that all of yours was wonderful too!
*Today's article is on New Year's Eve around the World. You can read about it HERE. Thanks!*
Oooh, it sounds like the perfect, relaxing holiday. We've made ours that way too--less stress than running around everywhere. Happy New Year!
sounds like lots of fun for you. wishing you a very happy new year...hugz!
I love the idea of an open house dessert! I wish I was close enough to have dropped by.
Oh I love your roundup! Amber and I had a slug Christmas Day too. The little kids wore their new PJs on Christmas Eve, which was their Christmas Day with us and Amber and I wore ours on Christmas Day. They were so comfortable. I think I wore mine for two days, but don't tell anyone! LOL... Thanks for sharing this; I had fun reading it.
It looks like it turned out wonderful. I hope you have a Happy New Year as well! I posted some linky love for you back at my blog, thanks for being one of my top Entrecard droppers in December :)
It sounds absolutely perfect! Both boys looked good in the picture! We have the same tradition of pajama's and another present on Christmas Eve (and for the same reason lol). I usually also get a book to read at bedtime.
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