Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Take a Little Time for You...

Today I had the opportunity to speak to a local MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) group. I've said it before and I'll say it again, MOPS is one of the BEST ministries out there - it saved my life when we first moved down to North Carolina. Today's topic that I spoke on was "Taking Care of You".

I gave this talk once before to my homeschool group. That was a hilarious night. I had decorated the room with tons of candles and twinkly lights, hung gauzy fabric from the ceiling, had soft, classical music playing - and wore my jammies! Yes, my jammies. Not just ordinary jammies, oh no. I wore red silk pajama pants, a black cammi, red, fuzzy slippers and had my hair done up like Pebbles Flinstone. Oh, it was quite the sight!

Today I had no hand in the room set up, but wore the same outfit. I handed out chocolates (sometimes I threw them out in to the audience) and told these wonderful moms of the importance of taking time out for just themselves. How it is OKAY to stop being mom for a little while and go out with the girls. We talked about different ideas for pampering yourself when money is an issue - how to get inexpensive pedicures, spa treatments and massages.

Actually, I'm going to give a little plug here - Arbonne. If you have never heard of them, they are a Swiss cosmetics company. Their products are FABULOUS. Remember my spa party that I had a couple of months ago? Arbonne! For those of you who don't remember, the consultant came here to the house and we got to try out all kinds of wonderful products that made our hands smooth, we soaked our feet in tubs of hot scented water with smooth stones in it (like a little foot massage while you soak!), we got facials and ate tons of yummy, fattening food. Quite the night! No one spent a lot of money, so it wasn't a banner night for the Arbonne consultant, but for the eight of us there, it was heavenly!

I'm going to encourage all of you ladies out there to take a little time out this week that is just for you! Going to the gynecologist by yourself does NOT COUNT as alone time! Going for a mammogram? NOT ALONE TIME! Going out to a movie with a friend? THAT is alone time. Scrapbooking with some friends? THAT is alone time.

Go! Be pampered! Enjoy some time! You deserve it!

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