Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Disney Diet - Crunch Time!

Okay, so I can't find my little diet journal. I stopped writing in it several weeks ago and let me tell you, I have to find it because it seems that that stupid little book was what it took to lose weight! Who knew?

I did gain two pounds but lost them again and so here I sit at the 20 pound mark with two weeks to go and five pounds to go to reach my goal and win the friendly diet challenge I am in with my dear friend Cathleen. I had good intentions yesterday. I ate a very healthy lunch (grilled steak and salad). Then I headed to a friend's house for a BBQ and it was as if I had been stranded on a deserted island like Tom Hank's in "Castaway" and couldn't get enough to eat. If Wilson was there, I would have eaten him too! I had some beer bread and dip, I ate mac and cheese, I ate a gi-normous baked potato with sour cream and then a slice of chocolate cream pie! I also had some steak and greek salad in there too.

Um, hello, fat-girl, table for one.

I started out the day with a 30 minute walk and a strength-training session of my Power 90. I felt good. Sore, but good. When I got home last night I did another session. I got up this morning and did my 30 minute walk and after I take Nick to work today, I'll go home and Power 90 some more. Twelve Days! I have TWELVE DAYS to lost 5 pounds. How in the world am I going to do it??? Think thin, everyone. If you see me eating anything that I am not supposed to, you have my permission to just SLAP it right out of my hands.

Although be warned, I slap back.

1 comment:

Nani said...

I guess those chocolates I dropped off to you last week did not help....and I wont tempt you this week since you want to win the diet bet.

Thanks for making me laugh today! I was having one of those days and said to myself as I sat down with a brownie at the computer to go read your blog and I would get a good laugh and I did. thanks!