Thanksgiving week: all of the shopping and prepping and cleaning and cooking that goes in to making a Thanksgiving that everyone loves. We celebrate at home so I am the hostess and chef. Then I released my book the last week of November because I thought, "Why not?"
Early December: my birthday and then there are weeks of Christmas shopping and Christmas preparation - tree shopping, tree decorating, house decorating, writing out 4 dozen Christmas cards, mailing out gifts and just trying to be merry.
Christmas: Again, I am the hostess with the mostess. I make the traditional Italian Christmas Eve dinner (which is delicious but expensive and time consuming) and then we open our homes to at least 30 of our closest friends for a dessert open house. I crash on Christmas Day but still prepare a full-on restaurant quality breakfast and dinner.
Then there's New Year's.
My older son's birthday is the first week of January. Then there is the un-decorating of all of the Christmas wares. We move him to college the second week of January. My husband and younger son's birthdays (the same day!) are the third week of January and by the fourth week, I barely know my own name.
Oh, and did I mention that I plan on having my next book written and ready for editing by the end of January?
I want to go on vacation but I will need the kind of vacation where I lay around and do NOTHING for at least a week; no driving, no visiting with people, no touring or hiking or running around a theme park. Just a "lay on my lazy butt for a week" (and maybe take a shower) type of rest. Anyone know where I can find one of those on the cheap?
It's not good to wish your life away but right now, I really wish it was the end of January and all of that stuff was done. I want to sleep without someone waking me up, I want to have nothing to do and all day to do it. It would be bliss.
Book sales are still there - which is a good thing. Trying to maneuver how to keep sales at this level until the next book comes out. Right now we are doing 250 books a day. Not too shabby. If you haven't gotten your copy of "The Christmas Cottage" yet, still .99 cents on Amazon and we're still looking to hit 100 likes. Drop by, click the link, make me smile.
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