Monday, November 23, 2009

A Small Crash, but We're Back...

Hello, friends! Just wanted to let you know that my computer crashed this weekend in a BIG way. It seemed to stem from my using Mozilla but I can't be 100% sure.

I am EXTREMELY blessed with some wonderful friends. The type of friends that don't mind if you call after 10 pm crying that your computer crashed and are in need of assistance. After trying unsuccessfully for several hours to fix the problem myself (and we know how uneducated I am!) I called my dear friend Cathleen because I know that her husband is a tech-genius. So there we were, late Saturday night on the phone trying to diagnose my problem. Steve talked me through some things but the bottom line was that he would need to be seeing all of these things himself. Even though they were getting ready to go out of state for Thanksgiving, he offered to come by on Sunday to help me. I baked him a cake to show my love and appreciation.

After three hours of intensive fighting with the computer, he got it up and running for me and there aren't enough words (or cake!) for me to thank him. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU, STEVE!! YOU TOTALLY ROCK!!

I just wanted to let my e-card buddies know that I am sorry that I have not been around for a couple of days dropping and commenting, I will be back to all of that tomorrow. It's just so good to even be back on-line! Yeah!!!

*Today's article is on homeschool magazines. You can read about it HERE. Thanks!*


Secondary Roads said...

Thrilled to have you back online. Huge thanks to Steve.

sheilasultani said...

The exact same thing happened to me about 2 weeks ago. I caught a virus while doing my drops and it completely shut my computer down. My husband spent a weekend fixing it and 3 days after I got it back my daughter spilled a whole cup of soda in it - it popped and hissed and died a terrible death.

A Lil Enchanted said...

What an awesome friend! I'm glad he got your computer fixed :)

A Lil Enchanted,