I remember banging pots and pans on New Years Eve...
I remember black and white cookies, Snack Pack Pudding and drinking hot cocoa out of the Ronald McDonald mug you got for me...
I remember funny jokes while we laid in the dark trying to go to sleep...
I remember going on walks with the dog while we talked...
I remember you thinking that leopard print spandex looked "pre

I remember you dancing to my heavy metal music to make me smile...
I remember long talks after midnight...
I remember being relieved when you came to spend time with me while Frank was getting us settled in another state...
I remember being so thankful for you coming to visit when I felt totally alone...
I remember Sunday dinners together and drives...
I remember going shopping at the mall just for fun...
I remember the many McDonald's Happy Meals you ate so Nick could have more of the toys...
I remember my heart breaking when you moved away...
I remember feeling helpless that I wasn't there to hold your hand when you were sick...
I remember being devastated when you were gone...
On this day, your birthday, I remember you, Grandma. I miss you everyday and love you still.
What a beautiful heart felt tribute to a lovely woman.
That is so sweet! Made me think of my Nana and all the things I miss about her - Thanks
Such a great post! I miss my Grandma...she has been gone about a year and 1/2, and my life just isn't the same without her!
That is so beautifully written. Thank you so much for sharing.
that is such a cool remembrance of your grandmother. you did an awesome job and i know she is smiling down on you right now.
That was beautiful.
Aww, that's very sweet of you! And speaking of dancing to heavy metal music, have you ever stopped while dropping and met my fictional band? I think you'd really GET them.
Stacey, that was very sweet. Those memories are a great treasure. I remember oatmeal toast with real butter for breakfast, sleeping in the really TALL bed, and watching Lawrence Welk with my Grammy & Grampa.
That's so sweet...she's watching over I'm sure...and smiling :)
What beautiful memories :) Thanks for sharing.
this is beautiful.
Hi Stacie! Great post! Your grandma must be very proud of you. Just remember that for so long as we keep the people we love alive in our hearts, they would never be dead nor gone.
Only the beautiful people can pay their grandmas such beautiful tribute.
Awww...Stace... that was so beautiful... aren't Grandmas wonderful... you've got me crying and missing my Granny
A Lil Enchanted,
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