Here's the thing that I love most about us - we are just simple people. There was no big fan-fare, no hooplah. We didn't need it. Saturday night both of the kids were out of the house and so we chose that night to make ourselves an awesome dinner by candlelight. It was wonderful. After twenty years together - and we've lived together all but five months of that time - I still fee
Even though we had our romantic anniversary dinner Saturday night, our actual anniversary was yesterday. Frank went to work, I did what I normally do (not much of anything), I made us a nice dinner and then we each had our favorite desserts - Frank, a Napoleon, me - Hagen Daaz Chocolate Chocolate Chip ice cream. And you know what? It was perfect. Frank felt bad that there were no flowers and no cards but you know what? That really doesn't mean much to me anyway. I mean, sure they're nice but flowers die, cards get thrown out or stuffed in a drawer. It was nice to just be able to sit and talk with one another and still be able to share our hopes, our dreams, our concerns...
I don't begrudge anyone who wants all of the fan-fare and hooplah, but to me that just distracts from the person who made it all possible. So I love you, baby! Thank you for a wonderfully intimate anniversary weekend. You are the best!
Now it's back to the real world, maybe a little less love - laundry is going, turkey chili is simmering and I'm off to do a five mile walk. Have a great day friends!
Happy Anniversary!! Simple is so good.
Our kids were gone all last week to Grandma's house and me and hubby didn't go anywhere:) Just stayed home and cooked dinners together, watched movies, just hung out and it was so great!
congrats to you and your husband. i am the same way as you are with all the hoopla. i would just as soon spend some quality time with my man than spend money on the flowers/cards/gifts. if he wants to get me flowers he can go out and pick me some wild flowers. i don't need gifts to know that he loves me.
Awww...I feel the same way about my honey. Just being together is all that matters.
Have a terrific day. :)
You know, I firmly believe that couples like you and Frank are probably more happy BECAUSE you put more importance on your relationship rather than the hoopla. My husband and I are the same and every day is an "anniversary". Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary and many more to come we will wish for you both! Always enjoy every moment you have with your loved ones!!
Happy Anniversary! I am glad it was nice. I am enjoying reading all these nice things about your husbands.
Awwwww...Happy Anniversary! Sounds like it was just lovely; the kind that my hubby and I like to have! :)
Hi! Just dropping by from Entrecard.
I have to tell you... your blog intro made me giggle... "teen drama"... you look really young and at first I thought it was a teen blog. Then I saw the picture of you & your husband but didn't read the story. My first reaction was... whoa, is a teenager really going out with him? Then I realized you two are married! For 18 years!! congrats and you seriously look really young. Happy Anniversary!
Congrats! Amazing how time flies, isn't it? We just celebrated 15 years married and 19 together!
Happy Anniversary to an awesome couple!!! Sounds like a very nice celebration :)
A Lil Enchanted,
Wow, that's a huge accomplishment... Happy Anniversary..
Followed your blog now..
I am now your follower..
Congratulations Happy Anniversary... 18 years that's great. I feel exactly like you do, I have been married 24 years and love just sitting and talking. I would rather have flowers picked from our land, or a homemade card anyday. Hope you had a great day. Blessings,
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